Monday, December 1, 2008

Tis The Season!

Tis the season! Hunting season that is! Jeff, Lea and the Girls got to come down for hunting season this year. Jared, Jeff, and Lea all put in together for a late Elk rifle hunt. And they drew. So Jeff and Lea made the trip back home so they could all go hunting. Lea Got her first deer! She shoot a very nice small 3 point. You go girl! Jeff shoot a Big 6 point! And Jared and Jeff Hansen our sharing a Big 6 point. Ya how do you share a elk? I'm sure our hunters would be glad to fill in any details on the hunting story's. We were glad Jeff and Lea came down for hunting season, because Jared will be gone to work when they come down again for Christmas. We decided to wait to bless Kloe for when they came to visit. We are so glad that they could be here for that! But the best part of the trip was seeing Gracie and Maddy! They are going up so fast. When they came down they were just learning to walk. I love watching baby's first walk! They're still a little wobbly like Bambi, it's soooo cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't know if u look at these so anyways went to the ultrasound today. everything looks good 99% sure its a girl! :o)